Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Eden Reflected almost finished. After last weekend's windy heatwave I'm pretty happy with the conditions the plants were in. George at the Arboretum assured me he was diligent about watering and I believe him. The benches are still missing and I think some sod is necessary in areas to cover some bare spots but aside from that it's pretty much finished.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

I can't find my seedlings under all these elm seeds! Jeez.
Eden Reflected is planted but I forgot the camera so no photos yet. I'll take some when I head out next week to add mulch.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Rainy day, car broke down, didn't get to the secret garden. Some of the canary grass I planted last week is coming up, right on schedule. I planted some dianthus by my little lotus statue and some irish moss by the rocks to match the irish moss I'm giving mom for mother's day (late). The shooting stars between the rocks and the lotus statue are about to bloom.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Since Thursday the weather has sucked. I purchaed the plants on Thursday and Friday but they have yet to be planted. Some of the plants are at the site and the rest, the ones I bought on Friday shown here, are sitting in my windows.
Thursday was cold and windy causing one of the plexi panels to break at the base and the another to form a big crack. The two panels at the greatest risk of breaking I propped with my shovels. No photos because I didn't bring the camera.
Today was supposed to be the day I was finished with the installation and I've barely begun!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

I just planted a bunch of seeds. In the past, starting plants from seed hasn't been too sucessful for me (except for some poppies). I can't resist the prospect of getting a bunch of plants for cheap by starting them from seed. I think these I just planted will work.
So in 5-14 days I should be looking for my Canary Grass (Phalaris canariensis) and my Black Eyed Susan Vine (Thunbergia alata), and no sooner than 14 days my Salvia aka Blue Bedder (Sage) will be making an appearance.
The photos show where the Salvia is so I don't forget. The Thunbergia and Canary Grass are in areas where they will be obvious so I didn't take pictures of those areas.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Four years ago I moved into my present home. My first two summers were spent cleaning all of the garbage out of the backyard and planting a few perennials given to me by friends and purchased annuals. Since then haven't done much back here except for adding plants here and there but all along I've had great plans in my head. This summer I think I'm going to make at least some of those plans a reality.
Here is what I'm beginning with.
Right now the ugly black plastic compost bin is the focal point of my garden. The back yard is pretty small and I don't want the bin any closer to the house so it stays where it is. One of my plans is to create a screen in front of the bin. I moved all those Rudebekia Something (Green Headed Cone Flower) a couple weeks ago so ideally as they grow the bin will disappear, however, I'd like create a focal point near those Green Headed Cone Flowers to serve as a replacement focal point for the vanishing bin.
The Bleeding Heart in the second photo is the first planting I ever did at this house. I got it from Mrs. Bemis, heir to the paper bag empire. The rest of this stuff I planted either last week (the Green Headed Cone Flowers, Physestesia, Rudebekia trilobum, and Wood Poppies) or last year. I'm trying to get this area to mimic the larger garden in the first picture but might abandon that idea for something more dramatic. I'm not yet sure what, something attractive in winter. Maybe a bunch of variegated dogwood. I'm considering pulling out the flagstone and putting in a kidney shaped pond I found in the garbage last fall. The water will reflect nicely on the stainless steel siding.
Plans, plans, plans, if I can accomplish the screen, pond, and improvement of the ugly corner against the house this summer, I'll be satisfied.